Learn strategies to assist with your child’s regulation and behaviour throughout the day.
A two-part webinar series
Join us to learn ways of ‘checking in’ with your child, as well as some specific sensory strategies to get through morning, after school, and bedtime routines. Part 2 of a two-part webinar series.
Session 2:
Practical strategies for alertness and regulation
Learn strategies to assist with your child’s regulation and behaviour throughout the day.
Friday 24 February 2023
1-2pm (AEST)
Cost: $40
Recording available post session for 10 days
Register Here
After developing your understanding of sensory systems and sensory processing in session 1, this second webinar will provide you with more specific strategies to support your child.
It is recommended for session 1 to be viewed prior to viewing session 2.
Information in this session will provide:
‘Check in tools’ for regulation throughout the day including:
introduction to the Alert Program for regulation
Introduction to the Zones of Regulation concept
Understanding sensory ‘triggers’
Understanding the importance of Co-regulation
Regulation strategies and tools for:
Morning routines
After school
Self care including tips on: applying sunscreen, tolerating hair care, cutting nails, tolerating clothing including shoes and socks
Bedtimes and preparing for sleep
Who can attend?
We invite parents, caregivers, grandparents and other interested family members to attend. Information in the session would also be beneficial for Support Workers or other support staff working with your child and family. A future session will be targeted towards teachers and education support staff.
Meet the speaker
Katie Stokes is an Occupational Therapist with over 20 years experience, who leads a team of exceptional therapists in her private practice. The practice provides paediatric OT services to children aged 3 to 18 and their families in Geelong and surrounding regions. Katie enjoys helping families on their therapy journey to understand their child’s needs and teach them tips on how to make day to day life easier. Being a parent to two busy boys, and having a lived experience of specific learning needs, Katie feels well equipped to understand the children and families she is working with.
These webinars will be presented live, but will be recorded and available to view for 10 days after the live event.