How we work


When you feel ready, please contact our friendly Office Managers who will gather some information to help us in allocating the most appropriate therapist for your child and family. We understand how important it is to find the right match for you and your child’s needs.


An initial parent/caregiver appointment then occurs to enable us to gather detailed information about your child’s strengths, challenges, and your goals for therapy. A follow up appointment is booked with you and your child for us to gather more information. This may include play, observations, and some more formal assessments if required. An important part is us finding out what goals your child has, as evidence tells us that therapy outcomes will be more successful if they are client directed.


Together we will work out a plan of action, which may include fortnightly or monthly appointments, or observations in their school, kinder, childcare, or home setting. Telehealth sessions (via video or phone) can also be arranged. You are an important part of the journey, so your participation in the therapy process including home practice is encouraged.

Feel like our approach will be a good fit for you?

Please contact us to start your journey.

What do we work on?

So, what areas does an OT actually look at?

  • Self-care skills: e.g. dressing, toileting, cutlery use, bathing/showering, fingernail and toenail cutting, menstruation management for teens

  • Sensory regulation skills: E.g. tools for calming or tools for maintaining focus

  • Student skills for school/kinder: e.g. attention/concentration, organizational skills, handwriting legibility and speed, scissor skills and tools use, visual perceptual skills.

  • Eating skills: E.g. ability to tolerate different textures and colours of food, using cutlery

  • Play skills: E.g. pretend play, play scripts, playing with others

  • Leisure skills: E.g. bike and scooter riding, gross motor and coordination skills for sports, arts and crafts

  • Sleep skills: E.g. Developing night-time routines, calming tools

  • Interoception skills: Our 8th sense: which tells us information about hunger, thirst, pain temperature, body clues for our emotions.

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